Clever Algorithms: Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes

A book by Jason Brownlee

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Learning Classifier System

Learning Classifier System, LCS.


The Learning Classifier System algorithm is both an instance of an Evolutionary Algorithm from the field of Evolutionary Computation and an instance of a Reinforcement Learning algorithm from Machine Learning. Internally, Learning Classifier Systems make use of a Genetic Algorithm. The Learning Classifier System is a theoretical system with a number of implementations. The two main approaches to implementing and investigating the system empirically are the Pittsburgh-style that seeks to optimize the whole classifier, and the Michigan-style that optimize responsive rulesets. The Michigan-style Learning Classifier is the most common and is comprised of two versions: the ZCS (zeroth-level classifier system) and the XCS (accuracy-based classifier system).


The objective of the Learning Classifier System algorithm is to optimize payoff based on exposure to stimuli from a problem-specific environment. This is achieved by managing credit assignment for those rules that prove useful and searching for new rules and new variations on existing rules using an evolutionary process.


The actors of the system include detectors, messages, effectors, feedback, and classifiers. Detectors are used by the system to perceive the state of the environment. Messages are the discrete information packets passed from the detectors into the system. The system performs information processing on messages, and messages may directly result in actions in the environment. Effectors control the actions of the system on and within the environment. In addition to the system actively perceiving via its detections, it may also receive directed feedback from the environment (payoff). Classifiers are condition-action rules that provide a filter for messages. If a message satisfies the conditional part of the classifier, the action of the classifier triggers. Rules act as message processors. Message a fixed length bitstring. A classifier is defined as a ternary string with an alphabet $\in {1, 0, #}$, where the $#$ represents do not care (matching either 1 or 0).

The processing loop for the Learning Classifier system is as follows:

  1. Messages from the environment are placed on the message list.
  2. The conditions of each classifier are checked to see if they are satisfied by at least one message in the message list.
  3. All classifiers that are satisfied participate in a competition, those that win post their action to the message list.
  4. All messages directed to the effectors are executed (causing actions in the environment).
  5. All messages on the message list from the previous cycle are deleted (messages persist for a single cycle).

The algorithm may be described in terms of the main processing loop and two sub-algorithms: a reinforcement learning algorithm such as the bucket brigade algorithm or Q-learning, and a genetic algorithm for optimization of the system. Algorithm (below) provides a pseudocode listing of the high-level processing loop of the Learning Classifier System, specifically the XCS as described by Butz and Wilson [Butz2002a].

Input: EnvironmentDetails
Output: Population
env $\leftarrow$ InitializeEnvironment{EnvironmentDetails}
Population $\leftarrow$ InitializePopulation()
$ActionSet_{t-1}$ $\leftarrow$ $\emptyset$
$Input_{t-1}$ $\leftarrow$ $\emptyset$
$Reward_{t-1}$ $\leftarrow$ $\emptyset$
While ($\neg$StopCondition())
    $Input_{t}$ $\leftarrow$ env
    Matchset $\leftarrow$ GenerateMatchSet{Population, $Input_{t}$}
    Prediction $\leftarrow$ GeneratePrediction{Matchset}
    Action $\leftarrow$ SelectionAction{Prediction}
    $ActionSet_{t}$ $\leftarrow$ GenerateActionSet{Action, Matchset}
    $Reward_{t}$ $\leftarrow$ ExecuteAction{Action, env}
    If ($ActionSet_{t-1}$ $\neq$ $\emptyset$)
        $Payoff_{t}$ $\leftarrow$ CalculatePayoff{$Reward_{t-1}$, Prediction}
        PerformLearning{$ActionSet_{t-1}$, $Payoff_{t}$, Population}
        RunGeneticAlgorithm{$ActionSet_{t-1}$, $Input_{t-1}$, Population}
    If (LastStepOfTask{env, Action})
        $Payoff_{t}$ $\leftarrow$ $Reward_{t}$
        PerformLearning{$ActionSet_{t}$, $Payoff_{t}$, Population}
        RunGeneticAlgorithm{$ActionSet_{t}$, $Input_{t}$, Population}
        $ActionSet_{t-1}$ $\leftarrow$ $\emptyset$
        $ActionSet_{t-1}$ $\leftarrow$ $ActionSet_{t}$
        $Input_{t-1}$ $\leftarrow$ $Input_{t}$
        $Reward_{t-1}$ $\leftarrow$ $Reward_{t}$
Pseudocode for the LCS.


The majority of the heuristics in this section are specific to the XCS Learning Classifier System as described by Butz and Wilson [Butz2002a].

Code Listing

Listing (below) provides an example of the Learning Classifier System algorithm implemented in the Ruby Programming Language. The problem is an instance of a Boolean multiplexer called the 6-multiplexer. It can be described as a classification problem, where each of the $2^6$ patterns of bits is associated with a boolean class $\in {1,0}$. For this problem instance, the first two bits may be decoded as an address into the remaining four bits that specify the class (for example in 100011, '10' decode to the index of '2' in the remaining 4 bits making the class '1'). In propositional logic this problem instance may be described as $F=(\neg x_0) (\neg x_1) x_2 + (\neg x_0) x_1 x_3 + x_0 (\neg x_1) x_4 + x_0 x_1 x_5$. The algorithm is an instance of XCS based on the description provided by Butz and Wilson [Butz2002a] with the parameters based on the application of XCS to Boolean multiplexer problems by Wilson [Wilson1995] [Wilson1998]. The population is grown as needed, and subsumption which would be appropriate for the Boolean multiplexer problem was not used for brevity. The multiplexer problem is a single step problem, so the complexities of delayed payoff are not required. A number of parameters were hard coded to recommended values, specifically: $\alpha=0.1$, $v=-0.5$, $\delta=0.1$ and $P_{#}=\frac{1}{3}$.

def neg(bit)
  return (bit==1) ? 0 : 1

def target_function(s)
  ints ={|i| s[i].chr.to_i}
  x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 = ints
  return neg(x0)*neg(x1)*x2 + neg(x0)*x1*x3 + x0*neg(x1)*x4 + x0*x1*x5

def new_classifier(condition, action, gen, p1=10.0, e1=0.0, f1=10.0)
  other = {}
  other[:condition],other[:action],other[:lasttime] = condition, action, gen
  other[:pred], other[:error], other[:fitness] = p1, e1, f1
  other[:exp], other[:setsize], other[:num] = 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
  return other

def copy_classifier(parent)
  copy = {}
  parent.keys.each do |k|
    copy[k] = (parent[k].kind_of? String) ? ""+parent[k] : parent[k]
  copy[:num],copy[:exp] = 1.0, 0.0
  return copy

def random_bitstring(size=6)
  return (0...size).inject(""){|s,i| s+((rand<0.5) ? "1" : "0")}

def calculate_deletion_vote(classifier, pop, del_thresh, f_thresh=0.1)
  vote = classifier[:setsize] * classifier[:num]
  total = pop.inject(0.0){|s,c| s+c[:num]}
  avg_fitness = pop.inject(0.0){|s,c| s + (c[:fitness]/total)}
  derated = classifier[:fitness] / classifier[:num].to_f
  if classifier[:exp]>del_thresh and derated<(f_thresh*avg_fitness)
    return vote * (avg_fitness / derated)
  return vote

def delete_from_pop(pop, pop_size, del_thresh=20.0)
  total = pop.inject(0) {|s,c| s+c[:num]}
  return if total <= pop_size
  pop.each {|c| c[:dvote] = calculate_deletion_vote(c, pop, del_thresh)}
  vote_sum = pop.inject(0.0) {|s,c| s+c[:dvote]}
  point = rand() * vote_sum
  vote_sum, index = 0.0, 0
  pop.each_with_index do |c,i|
    vote_sum += c[:dvote]
    if vote_sum >= point
      index = i
  if pop[index][:num] > 1
    pop[index][:num] -= 1

def generate_random_classifier(input, actions, gen, rate=1.0/3.0)
  condition = ""
  input.size.times {|i| condition << ((rand<rate) ? '#' : input[i].chr)}
  action = actions[rand(actions.size)]
  return new_classifier(condition, action, gen)

def does_match?(input, condition)
  input.size.times do |i|
    return false if condition[i].chr!='#' and input[i].chr!=condition[i].chr
  return true

def get_actions(pop)
  actions = []
  pop.each do |c|
    actions << c[:action] if !actions.include?(c[:action])
  return actions

def generate_match_set(input, pop, all_actions, gen, pop_size)
  match_set ={|c| does_match?(input, c[:condition])}
  actions = get_actions(match_set)
  while actions.size < all_actions.size do
    remaining = all_actions - actions
    classifier = generate_random_classifier(input, remaining, gen)
    pop << classifier
    match_set << classifier
    delete_from_pop(pop, pop_size)
    actions << classifier[:action]
  return match_set

def generate_prediction(match_set)
  pred = {}
  match_set.each do |classifier|
    key = classifier[:action]
    pred[key] = {:sum=>0.0,:count=>0.0,:weight=>0.0} if pred[key].nil?
    pred[key][:sum] += classifier[:pred]*classifier[:fitness]
    pred[key][:count] += classifier[:fitness]
  pred.keys.each do |key|
    pred[key][:weight] = 0.0
    if pred[key][:count] > 0
      pred[key][:weight] = pred[key][:sum]/pred[key][:count]
  return pred

def select_action(predictions, p_explore=false)
  keys =
  return keys[rand(keys.size)] if p_explore
  keys.sort!{|x,y| predictions[y][:weight]<=>predictions[x][:weight]}
  return keys.first

def update_set(action_set, reward, beta=0.2)
  sum = action_set.inject(0.0) {|s,other| s+other[:num]}
  action_set.each do |c|
    c[:exp] += 1.0
    if c[:exp] < 1.0/beta
	      c[:error] = (c[:error]*(c[:exp]-1.0)+(reward-c[:pred]).abs)/c[:exp]
	      c[:pred] = (c[:pred] * (c[:exp]-1.0) + reward) / c[:exp]
	      c[:setsize] = (c[:setsize]*(c[:exp]-1.0)+sum) / c[:exp]
	      c[:error] += beta * ((reward-c[:pred]).abs - c[:error])
	      c[:pred] += beta * (reward-c[:pred])
	      c[:setsize] += beta * (sum - c[:setsize])

def update_fitness(action_set, min_error=10, l_rate=0.2, alpha=0.1, v=-5.0)
  sum = 0.0
  acc =
  action_set.each_with_index do |c,i|
    acc[i] = (c[:error]<min_error) ? 1.0 : alpha*(c[:error]/min_error)**v
    sum += acc[i] * c[:num].to_f
  action_set.each_with_index do |c,i|
    c[:fitness] += l_rate * ((acc[i] * c[:num].to_f) / sum - c[:fitness])

def can_run_genetic_algorithm(action_set, gen, ga_freq)
  return false if action_set.size <= 2
  total = action_set.inject(0.0) {|s,c| s+c[:lasttime]*c[:num]}
  sum = action_set.inject(0.0) {|s,c| s+c[:num]}
  return true if gen - (total/sum) > ga_freq
  return false

def binary_tournament(pop)
  i, j = rand(pop.size), rand(pop.size)
  j = rand(pop.size) while j==i
  return (pop[i][:fitness] > pop[j][:fitness]) ? pop[i] : pop[j]

def mutation(cl, action_set, input, rate=0.04)
  cl[:condition].size.times do |i|
    if rand() < rate
      cl[:condition][i] = (cl[:condition][i].chr=='#') ? input[i] : '#'
  if rand() < rate
    subset = action_set - [cl[:action]]
    cl[:action] = subset[rand(subset.size)]

def uniform_crossover(parent1, parent2)
  child = ""
  parent1.size.times do |i|
    child << ((rand()<0.5) ? parent1[i].chr : parent2[i].chr)
  return child

def insert_in_pop(cla, pop)
  pop.each do |c|
    if cla[:condition]==c[:condition] and cla[:action]==c[:action]
      c[:num] += 1
  pop << cla

def crossover(c1, c2, p1, p2)
  c1[:condition] = uniform_crossover(p1[:condition], p2[:condition])
  c2[:condition] = uniform_crossover(p1[:condition], p2[:condition])
  c2[:pred] = c1[:pred] = (p1[:pred]+p2[:pred])/2.0
  c2[:error] = c1[:error] = 0.25*(p1[:error]+p2[:error])/2.0
  c2[:fitness] = c1[:fitness] = 0.1*(p1[:fitness]+p2[:fitness])/2.0

def run_ga(actions, pop, action_set, input, gen, pop_size, crate=0.8)
  p1, p2 = binary_tournament(action_set), binary_tournament(action_set)
  c1, c2 = copy_classifier(p1), copy_classifier(p2)
  crossover(c1, c2, p1, p2) if rand() < crate
  [c1,c2].each do |c|
    mutation(c, actions, input)
    insert_in_pop(c, pop)
  while pop.inject(0) {|s,c| s+c[:num]} > pop_size
    delete_from_pop(pop, pop_size)

def train_model(pop_size, max_gens, actions, ga_freq)
  pop, perf = [], []
  max_gens.times do |gen|
    explore = gen.modulo(2)==0
    input = random_bitstring()
    match_set = generate_match_set(input, pop, actions, gen, pop_size)
    pred_array = generate_prediction(match_set)
    action = select_action(pred_array, explore)
    reward = (target_function(input)==action.to_i) ? 1000.0 : 0.0
    if explore
      action_set ={|c| c[:action]==action}
      update_set(action_set, reward)
      if can_run_genetic_algorithm(action_set, gen, ga_freq)
        action_set.each {|c| c[:lasttime] = gen}
        run_ga(actions, pop, action_set, input, gen, pop_size)
      e,a = (pred_array[action][:weight]-reward).abs, ((reward==1000.0)?1:0)
      perf << {:error=>e,:correct=>a}
      if perf.size >= 50
        err = (perf.inject(0){|s,x|s+x[:error]}/perf.size).round
        acc = perf.inject(0.0){|s,x|s+x[:correct]}/perf.size
        puts " >iter=#{gen+1} size=#{pop.size}, error=#{err}, acc=#{acc}"
        perf = []
  return pop

def test_model(system, num_trials=50)
  correct = 0
  num_trials.times do
    input = random_bitstring()
    match_set ={|c| does_match?(input, c[:condition])}
    pred_array = generate_prediction(match_set)
    action = select_action(pred_array, false)
    correct += 1 if target_function(input) == action.to_i
  puts "Done! classified correctly=#{correct}/#{num_trials}"
  return correct

def execute(pop_size, max_gens, actions, ga_freq)
  system = train_model(pop_size, max_gens, actions, ga_freq)
  return system

if __FILE__ == $0
  # problem configuration
  all_actions = ['0', '1']
  # algorithm configuration
  max_gens, pop_size = 5000, 200
  ga_freq = 25
  # execute the algorithm
  execute(pop_size, max_gens, all_actions, ga_freq)
Learning Classifier System in Ruby
Download: learning_classifier_system.rb.


Primary Sources

Early ideas on the theory of Learning Classifier Systems were proposed by Holland [Holland1976] [Holland1977], culminating in a standardized presentation a few years later [Holland1980]. A number of implementations of the theoretical system were investigated, although a taxonomy of the two main streams was proposed by De Jong [Jong1988]: 1) Pittsburgh-style proposed by Smith [Smith1980] [Smith1983] and 2) Holland-style or Michigan-style Learning classifiers that are further comprised of the Zeroth-level classifier (ZCS) [Wilson1994] and the accuracy-based classifier (XCS) [Wilson1995].

Learn More

Booker, Goldberg, and Holland provide a classical introduction to Learning Classifier Systems including an overview of the state of the field and the algorithm in detail [Booker1989]. Wilson and Goldberg also provide an introduction and review of the approach, taking a more critical stance [Wilson1989]. Holmes et al. provide a contemporary review of the field focusing both on a description of the method and application areas to which the approach has been demonstrated successfully [Holmes2002]. Lanzi, Stolzmann, and Wilson provide a seminal book in the field as a collection of papers covering the basics, advanced topics, and demonstration applications; a particular highlight from this book is the first section that provides a concise description of Learning Classifier Systems by many leaders and major contributors to the field [Holland2000], providing rare insight. Another paper from Lanzi and Riolo's book provides a detailed review of the development of the approach as it matured throughout the 1990s [Lanzi2000a]. Bull and Kovacs provide a second book introductory book to the field focusing on the theory of the approach and its practical application [Bull2005].


[Booker1989] L. B. Booker and D. E. Goldberg and J. H. Holland, "Classifier systems and genetic algorithms", Artificial Intelligence, 1989.
[Bull2005] L. Bull and T. Kovacs, "Foundations of learning classifier systems", Springer, 2005.
[Butz2002a] M. V. Butz and S. W. Wilson, "An algorithmic description of XCS", Journal of Soft Computing, 2002.
[Holland1976] J. H. Holland, "Adaptation", in Progress in Theoretical Biology IV, pages 263–293, Academic Press, 1976.
[Holland1977] J. H. Holland and J. S. Reitman, "Cognitive systems based on adaptive algorithms", ACM SIGART Bulletin, 1977.
[Holland1980] J. H. Holland, "Adaptive algorithms for discovering and using general patterns in\n\tgrowing knowledge-bases", International Journal of Policy Analysis and Information Systems, 1980.
[Holland2000] J. H. Holland and L. B. Booker and M. Colombetti and M. Dorigo and\n\tD. E. Goldberg and S. Forrest and R. L. Riolo and R. E. Smith and\n\tP. L. Lanzi and W. Stolzmann and S. W. Wilson, "What is a learning classifier system?", in Learning classifier systems: from foundations to applications, pages 3–32, Springer, 2000.
[Holmes2002] J. H. Holmes and P. L. Lanzi and W. Stolzmann and S. W. Wilson, "Learning classifier systems: New models, successful applications", Information Processing Letters, 2002.
[Jong1988] K. De Jong, "Learning with Genetic Algorithms: An Overview", Machine Learning, 1988.
[Lanzi2000a] P. L. Lanzi and R. L. Riolo, "A Roadmap to the Last Decade of Learning Classifier System Research", in Learning classifier systems: from foundations to applications, pages 33-62, Springer, 2000.
[Smith1980] S. F. Smith, "A learning system based on genetic adaptive algorithms", [PhD Thesis] Department of Computer Science, University of Pittsburgh, 1980.
[Smith1983] S. Smith, "Flexible Learning of Problem Solving Heuristics Through Adaptive\n\tSearch", in Proceedings 8th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1983.
[Wilson1989] S. W. Wilson and D. E. Goldberg, "A critical review of classifier systems", in Proceedings of the third international conference on Genetic algorithms, 1989.
[Wilson1994] S. W. Wilson, "ZCS: A Zeroth Level Classifier Systems", Evolutionary Computation, 1994.
[Wilson1995] S. W. Wilson, "Classifier Fitness Based on Accuracy", Evolutionary Computation, 1995.
[Wilson1998] S. W. Wilson, "Generalization in the XCS classifier systems", in Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, 1998.

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